Updated February 8, 2025
Updated January 4, 2025
As previously suggested to returning students, I will be leading a weekly session on the Gospel readings for the coming Sunday (the Gospel readings this year in the Revised Common Lectionary are mostly taken from Saint Luke’s Gospel).
A “Not-Your-Old Pastor’s Type of Bible Study,” the question each week will be “How would YOU preach this?” with participants offering their insights into the weekly Gospel pericope (passage) based on their own life experiences.
The group will meet most Tuesdays although folks unable to make every Tuesday are never-the-less encouraged to participate when they can.
The stated goals of the group are spiritual growth and fellowship through life sharing as inspired by the weekly Gospel readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Class meetings will be held in our Upper ZOOM on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:15 pm Boston time.
ORIENTATION will be held Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Please register by email to [email protected] to let and I will provide you with the new log in information for this series.
PS -- while neither promising nor threatening, there is a possibility that a person may be asked to be quoted on the following Sunday's "Mass to Go" broadcast.
A “Not-Your-Old Pastor’s Type of Bible Study,” the question each week will be “How would YOU preach this?” with participants offering their insights into the weekly Gospel pericope (passage) based on their own life experiences.
The group will meet most Tuesdays although folks unable to make every Tuesday are never-the-less encouraged to participate when they can.
The stated goals of the group are spiritual growth and fellowship through life sharing as inspired by the weekly Gospel readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Class meetings will be held in our Upper ZOOM on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:15 pm Boston time.
ORIENTATION will be held Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Please register by email to [email protected] to let and I will provide you with the new log in information for this series.
PS -- while neither promising nor threatening, there is a possibility that a person may be asked to be quoted on the following Sunday's "Mass to Go" broadcast.
Posted December 18, 2024
Bishop Elizabeth has begun work on a new web page for the OCCA Diocese of New York. Please check it out via our Links tab.
Posted December 6, 2024
The Synaxis for the Feast of Saint Nicholas of Myra has been posted to our YouTube Channel @St.NicholasMinistriesInc
You can find the link by following the "Mass to Go" tab.
You can find the link by following the "Mass to Go" tab.
Posted November 30, 2024
Our December Necrology has been posted to the Prayer Closet.
Posted November 27, 2024
Posted November 14, 2024
As announced previously, we are offering online services of worship for our constituents and anyone else who would like to join us. Affectionately dubbed "Mass to Go" the links to these services may be found on the "Mass to Go" page found under the "Our Ministries" tab on this web site.
Posted October 12, 2024
I love this description of the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America written by our late Metropolitan Archbishop, the Most Reverend E. Brian Carsten:
"Yes, we admit it, we're not a perfect church. We are sinners still in search of the holiness that has already seized us. We sometimes hoot and howl at one another, but we always manage to gather around the only Table that will bind us into eternity and keep us on track here. Our indebtedness is always to the Holy Spirit."
"Yes, we admit it, we're not a perfect church. We are sinners still in search of the holiness that has already seized us. We sometimes hoot and howl at one another, but we always manage to gather around the only Table that will bind us into eternity and keep us on track here. Our indebtedness is always to the Holy Spirit."
Posted October 12, 2024
As previously announced, St. Nicholas Ministries, Inc. is offering online services of worship for our constituents and anyone else who would like to join us. Please check out our Facebook VIDEO Group or our YouTube channel (both linked below) and share them with your friends. And, if you are a YouTuber, please subscribe; if you are a Facebook aficionado, please join the group.