The Names*
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“It is enough simply to name the persons for whom we pray…”
[Margaret Guenther in Toward Holy Ground: Spiritual Direction for the Second Half of Life (Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, 1995)]
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The Names (Updated February 5, 2025)
We remember those on our prayer list for health concerns: especially, Joey M., Ginny, Donna, Doris, and Dotty; Winnie, Marcus, Annette, Raye, and Joanie; Lee, Jerry, Marsha, and Dee; Sara-Elizabeth, Jason, Annette, and Richard; Pastor Michael, Brother Mark, Father Michael, Mother Armantina; Bishop Skyler, and Bishop Stephen; as well as those who are on your own hearts.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those on our prayer lists for other needs: especially, Todd, Peg, Kelly, Scott, Mike, David; the religious communities at Saint Joseph’s Monastery (OSsR), Saint Andrew’s Abbey (OSB), Saint Vincent’s Archabbey (OSB), Saint John’s Monastery (SSJE); Bishop Bernard and his flock in Kenya; Rosalie, Maria, Jeff, and Ari; Jud and the Souers Family; Aram, Julie, Rachel, and Charlie; Diane, Mark, Peggy & Shelley, Richie, Sister Monica, as well as those who are on your own hearts.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those still impacted by recent hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes, other natural disasters, and weather events.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those experiencing many and varied emotions due to the current situations in which they find themselves.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember our beloved dead—especially those whose anniversaries fall during the current month; and, we remember the forgotten dead who have no one left to pray for them.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember that Jesus told us to “love your enemies” and to “do good to those who hate you.” Let us pray for our enemies and those who wish us harm.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember Michael Menna, whose death was recently confirmed as well as his surviving siblings—Louise and Joseph—left to grieve.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
Finally, we remember our own needs, especially the ones most pressing upon us.
For ourselves, we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those on our prayer list for health concerns: especially, Joey M., Ginny, Donna, Doris, and Dotty; Winnie, Marcus, Annette, Raye, and Joanie; Lee, Jerry, Marsha, and Dee; Sara-Elizabeth, Jason, Annette, and Richard; Pastor Michael, Brother Mark, Father Michael, Mother Armantina; Bishop Skyler, and Bishop Stephen; as well as those who are on your own hearts.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those on our prayer lists for other needs: especially, Todd, Peg, Kelly, Scott, Mike, David; the religious communities at Saint Joseph’s Monastery (OSsR), Saint Andrew’s Abbey (OSB), Saint Vincent’s Archabbey (OSB), Saint John’s Monastery (SSJE); Bishop Bernard and his flock in Kenya; Rosalie, Maria, Jeff, and Ari; Jud and the Souers Family; Aram, Julie, Rachel, and Charlie; Diane, Mark, Peggy & Shelley, Richie, Sister Monica, as well as those who are on your own hearts.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those still impacted by recent hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes, other natural disasters, and weather events.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember those experiencing many and varied emotions due to the current situations in which they find themselves.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember our beloved dead—especially those whose anniversaries fall during the current month; and, we remember the forgotten dead who have no one left to pray for them.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember that Jesus told us to “love your enemies” and to “do good to those who hate you.” Let us pray for our enemies and those who wish us harm.
For these we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We remember Michael Menna, whose death was recently confirmed as well as his surviving siblings—Louise and Joseph—left to grieve.
For all these we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
Finally, we remember our own needs, especially the ones most pressing upon us.
For ourselves, we pray to the Lord..
Lord, hear our prayer.
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Prayer after a Reading of the Names
O God, by the power of your Holy Spirit
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends
and all those we remember this day.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends
and all those we remember this day.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Above prayer found among supplemental prayers in the older version of the Roman Sacramentary (Novus Ordo, 1970).
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*In our Gallican Rite, as well as in most Orthodox worship, "The Names" of those being remembered during the Eucharistic Liturgy are either read aloud at some point before or during the Anaphora [Eucharistic Prayer] or are printed and the list laid upon the altar. This page lists the Names we are currently remembering during worship. Names may be added; please send any names you would like to add to us via email with "The Names" in the subject line.